Prosperity, Boredom and Achievement

boredom“Prosperity is an intercourse between time and space.  It’s not individual and what happens with the intercourse of time and space, it gives a fact to prosperity.  Prosperity has two aspects: reality and non-reality.  So when the prosperity is a non-reality you seek destruction.  When it is a reality, you seek construction and furtherance of your importance. 

But both ways there is one law which cannot be denied. In human energy we are achievers and every achievement, remember that, with every achievement there comes equal boredom, that’s the law.   You know how to achieve but you cannot continue achieving because you do not know the other side of the coin that is boredom, what to do with it.  In boredom then you destroy and that is what achievement is.  Actually achievement is boredom, only the name is different. Don’t misunderstand that.  It’s a basic reality, it’s a maya.  That’s the maya. Beyond maya you will see when you achieve something it’s achieved, beyond it is nothing.  When there is nothing, nothing is boredom.  No movement means boredom.” 
—Yogi Bhajan, 10/06/1987

So interesting.  We never consider the opposite of something that we’re going after.  Achievement.  We want to achieve something, but don’t realize it’s also got its opposite and that is boredom.  Everything has its opposite.  Behind the opposites, operating every thing is the One Flow through all things, the Sat Nam.  As such, Achievement and Boredom become the same thing! Two sides of the same coin.  “…remember that, with every achievement there comes equal boredom, that’s the law.”  There is always more to achieve, so boredom balances it out and you want to achieve more.  If you know what to do with it.

“You know how to achieve but you cannot continue achieving because you do not know the other side of the coin that is boredom, what to do with it.”

If you don’t know what to do with it, you fear you can’t access the achievement again and you start hunting romantically for that feeling, the glory days when all was right with the world.  So you need a drink or a drug or sex to feel that feeling you once had, because you’re insecure.  All great artists, teachers, business people seek to do something greater than the last achievement.  If a human being is truly operating from the soul, they’re looking to discover wonderful newness and create something greater than before.   We have to find that flow, the beam of our self and ride that.  Rhythmic synchronization of the being with the greater Soul.  Otherwise it’s insecure fear and self-destruction.

Prosperity has two aspects: reality and non-reality.  So when the prosperity is a non-reality you seek destruction.  When it is a reality, you seek construction and furtherance of your importance.”

Prosperity is either experienced as a reality or non-reality.  “What you don’t experience positively you will experience negatively.” What’s so completely interesting to me is that it’s prosperity either way?  How can that be?  Back to the core truth that there’s one flow running through all things, again, Sat Nam.

Destruction is also an achievement.  It’s a creative act.  Everything you do is basically a creative act because it involves the breath.  And as the master says again, “Actually achievement is boredom, only the name is different.”  So you can get into destructive behavior as a way to feel your creativity, and it can be an endless cycle, but that’s non-reality.  Many people are on this trip.  And that’s perfectly fine.  Charles Bukowski is a great example of this.  He embraced self-destrcuction and wrote very poetically about it.  He put a frame around his life and showcased it in all its raw grittiness, which is exactly the definition of art.

If you bring forth what is within you it will save you.  If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.   –Gnostic Gospels, St. Thomas

If you’re living out some creative non-reality in response to some earthly thing, ultimately it won’t satisfy you and it will end up destroying you.  However if you’re aligned with the flow of you and creating from that core identity then it saves you, it leads you to the grail right there in the center of your chest.

Reality is alignment with the creativity of the soul.  Making a contribution to the Uni-Verse with your Unique Verse.  However you do that is between you and You.  Sat Nam.

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